Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hamster and Wheels:D

This is either Pretzel or Cheezel running on the wheel:D
his legs are blur so you can infer that he was running very very very fast when i took a photo of him:D
cheezel died :( sadly, and i do not know the reason.
however, now pretzel is living with bubbles:D
(see photo below of bubbles)
so cute right:DDDDD
he likes to play dead, but he likes to nibble me too. :/
i've been bitten by frog, terrapin, bird, hamster, guinea pig, fish and cats before.
oh yes, the pictures are MINE. ask for permission if u wanna use it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


SO CUTE!(: Bubbles.:D

Sunday, July 3, 2011


At first i thought Bubbles is a female, it turned out he was a male D:
And he is my first hamster ever to lie on my hand:D